.. Copyright 2009-2017 Ram Rachum. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, with attribution to "Ram Rachum at ram.rachum.com" including link. The license may be obtained at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ .. _bags: Bags ==== `"This sort of thing is my bag, baby!"`_ -- Austin Powers Combi provides 4 bag classes for you to choose from according to your needs: * :class:`Bag` - The simplest bag class * :class:`FrozenBag` - An immutable (and thus hashable) bag class * :class:`OrderedBag` - A bag class where items are ordered by insertion order * :class:`FrozenOrderedBag` - An immutable, ordered bag class :class:`Bag` ------------ .. class:: Bag(iterable={}) The :class:`Bag` class is an implementation of the mathematical concept of a `multiset`_; meaning something like a set, except that every item could appear multiple times, and crucially, we only save the *count* of the item in memory instead of saving multiple copies of the same item, which would be a waste of memory. You may know the :class:`collections.Counter` class from Python's standard library; the bag classes provided by Combi are very similar, except that they are more strictly defined as multisets, meaning that counts must be positive integers. (Zeros are allowed in input but they are weeded out.) By contrast, :class:`collections.Counter` allows any value as an item's count. This restriction makes the bag classes more powerful than :class:`collections.Counter` because it allows more methods to be defined. More arithmetical operations are defined, comparison between bags is supported, and more. When you create a bag, it will be populated with the ``iterable`` argument. If ``iterable`` is a plain sequence, its items will be added one-by-one: >>> Bag('abracadabra') Bag({'c': 1, 'b': 2, 'd': 1, 'a': 5, 'r': 2}) If ``iterable`` is a mapping, its values will be taken as item counts: >>> Bag({'meow': 2, 'woof': 5,}) Bag({'meow': 2, 'woof': 5}) :class:`Bag` can be accessed similarly to a :class:`dict` or :class:`Counter `: >>> my_bag = Bag('abracadabra') >>> my_bag['b'] 2 >>> 'x' in my_bag False >>> my_bag['x'] = 7 >>> my_bag Bag({'r': 2, 'x': 7, 'b': 2, 'a': 5, 'd': 1, 'c': 1}) >>> 'x' in my_bag True >>> my_bag['y'] # If it's not in the bag, the count is zero: 0 >>> for key, count in my_bag.items(): ... print((key, count)) ... ('r', 2) ('x', 7) ('b', 2) ('a', 5) ('d', 1) ('c', 1) .. attribute:: elements An iterator over the elements in the bag. If an item has a count of 7 in the bag, it will repeat 7 times in ``bag.elements``. Example: >>> bag = Bag({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3,}) >>> for element in bag.elements: ... print(element) a c c c b b If you're using :class:`OrderedBag ` or :class:`FrozenOrderedBag `, the items will be yielded by their canonical order (usually insertion order), otherwise they'll be yielded in arbitrary order, just like dicts and sets. .. attribute:: n_elements The number of elements in the bag, i.e. the sum of all the counts. Example: >>> bag = Bag({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3,}) >>> bag.n_elements 6 .. method:: clear() Clear the bag, making it empty. .. method:: copy() Create a shallow copy of the bag. .. method:: get(key, default=None) Get a key's count with a default fallback, just like :meth:`dict.get`. .. method:: keys() Get an iterator over the keys in a bag: >>> bag = Bag({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3,}) >>> tuple(bag.keys()) ('b', 'c', 'a') .. method:: values() Get an iterator over the counts in a bag: >>> bag = Bag({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3,}) >>> tuple(bag.values()) (2, 3, 1) .. method:: items() Get an iterator over the items in a bag, i.e. keys with counts: >>> bag = Bag({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3,}) >>> tuple(bag.items()) (('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('a', 1)) .. method:: most_common([n]) Get a tuple of the ``n`` most common elements and their counts from the most common to the least. If n is not specified, :meth:`most_common()` returns all elements in the bag. Elements with equal counts are ordered arbitrarily: >>> Bag('abracadabra').most_common(3) (('a', 5), ('r', 2), ('b', 2)) .. method:: pop(key[, default]) Get the count of ``key`` and remove it from the bag, optionally with a default fallback. .. method:: popitem() Remove a key from the bag, and get a tuple ``(key, count)``. .. method:: setdefault(key, default=None) Get the count of `key`, optionally with a default fallback. If `key` is missing, its count in the bag will be set to the default. .. method:: update(mapping) Update the bag with a mapping of key to count. .. method:: get_contained_bags() Get all bags that are subsets of this bag. This means all bags that have counts identical or smaller for each key. Example: >>> bag = Bag({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3,}) >>> contained_bags = bag.get_contained_bags() >>> len(contained_bags) 24 >>> contained_bags[7] Bag({'c': 2, 'b': 1}) >>> contained_bags[7] < bag # Contained bag is contained. True :class:`FrozenBag` ------------------ .. class:: FrozenBag(iterable={}) :class:`FrozenBag` is a multiset just like :class:`Bag`, except it's immutable. After it's created, it can't be modified. It's a subclass over :class:`Bag`. In which cases would you want to use :class:`FrozenBag` rather than :class:`Bag`? - If you want to have your bag as a key in a :class:`set`, :class:`dict`, or any other kind of hashtable. (A normal bag can't be used for this because it's mutable and thus not hashable.) - If you want to make it clear in your program that a certain bag should never be changed after it's created. .. method:: get_mutable() Get a mutable version of this frozen bag. Example: >>> frozen_bag = FrozenBag('abracadabra') >>> frozen_bag FrozenBag({'d': 1, 'c': 1, 'b': 2, 'a': 5, 'r': 2}) >>> frozen_bag.get_mutable() Bag({'d': 1, 'c': 1, 'b': 2, 'a': 5, 'r': 2}) :class:`OrderedBag` ------------------- .. class:: OrderedBag(iterable={}) :class:`OrderedBag` is a multiset just like :class:`Bag`, except it's also ordered. Items have a defined order, which is by default the order in which they were inserted. :class:`OrderedBag` is a subclass over :class:`Bag`. Another way to think of it is that :class:`OrderedBag` is to :class:`Bag` what :class:`collections.OrderedDict` is to :class:`dict`. Example: >>> ordered_bag = OrderedBag('abbcccdddd') >>> tuple(ordered_bag.elements) # Items ordered by insertion order: ('a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd') >>> tuple(ordered_bag.items()) (('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)) >>> ordered_bag.index('b') 1 .. attribute:: reversed Get a version of this ordered bag with order reversed. Example: >>> ordered_bag = OrderedBag('abbcccdddd') >>> ordered_bag OrderedBag(OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3), ('d', 4)])) >>> ordered_bag.reversed OrderedBag(OrderedDict([('d', 4), ('c', 3), ('b', 2), ('a', 1)])) This does *not* change the existing bag, but creates a new one. .. method:: index(key) Get the index number (i.e. position) of ``key`` in the ordered bag. .. method:: move_to_end(key, last=True) Move a key to the end of the order. Specify `last=False` to move it to the start instead. .. method:: sort(key=None, reverse=False) Sort the keys, changing the order in-place. The optional ``key`` argument, (not to be confused with the bag keys,) is a key function. If it's not passed in, default Python ordering will be used. If ``reverse=True`` is used, the keys will be sorted in reverse order. :class:`FrozenOrderedBag` ------------------------- .. class:: FrozenOrderedBag(iterable={}) :class:`FrozenOrderedBag` is a multiset just like :class:`Bag`, except it's immutable *and* ordered. You can think of it as a combination of :class:`FrozenBag` and :class:`OrderedBag`. .. _bags-comparisons: Comparisons between bags ------------------------ One of the advantages of :class:`Bag` over :class:`collections.Counter` is that :class:`Bag` provides comparison methods between bags, that act similarly to comparisons between Python's built-in sets. This makes it easy to see whether one bag is contained by another. Example: >>> sandwich = Bag({'bread': 2, 'cheese': 1, 'tomato': 2, 'burger': 1,}) >>> vegan_sandwich = Bag({'bread': 2, 'tomato': 2,}) >>> vegan_sandwich < sandwich True >>> salad = Bag({'tomato': 2, 'bell pepper': 1,}) >>> salad < sandwich # False because there's no bell pepper in our sandwich False A bag is smaller-or-equal to another bag if it's "contained" in it, meaning that every key in the contained bag also exists in the containing bag, and with a count that's bigger or equal to its count in the contained bag. A bag is strictly smaller than another bag if the above holds, and there's at least one key for which the count in the containing bag is strictly bigger than its count in the contained bag. Please note that unlike most comparisons in Python, this is a `partial order`_ rather than a total one, meaning that for some pairs of bags, neither ``x >= y`` nor ``y >= x`` holds true. This is similar to set comparison in Python. .. _bags-operations: Arithmetic operations on bags ----------------------------- Another advantage of :class:`Bag` over :class:`collections.Counter` is that :class:`Bag` provides a *wealth* of arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, etc.) between bags, and between bags and integers. The basic arithmetic operations do what you expect them to, operating on the counts of items: >>> sandwich = Bag({'bread': 2, 'cheese': 1, 'tomato': 2, 'burger': 1,}) >>> salad = Bag({'tomato': 2, 'bell pepper': 1,}) >>> single_tomato = Bag({'tomato': 1,}) >>> sandwich + single_tomato # Addition Bag({'cheese': 1, 'bread': 2, 'tomato': 3, 'burger': 1}) >>> sandwich - single_tomato # Subtraction Bag({'cheese': 1, 'bread': 2, 'tomato': 1, 'burger': 1}) >>> sandwich * 3 # Multiplication Bag({'cheese': 3, 'bread': 6, 'tomato': 6, 'burger': 3}) As for division: You can divide one bag by another to get an integer saying how many times the second bag would go into the first. You can also divide a bag by an integer, which will divide all the counts by that integer, rounding down. All bag division is done with the floor-division operator ``//``, because it's always rounded-down. Examples: >>> sandwich // single_tomato # Floor-division by another bag 2 >>> sandwich // 2 # Floor-division by integer Bag({'bread': 1, 'tomato': 1}) The more advanced operations are also supported: >>> sandwich % salad # Modulo by bag Bag({'bread': 2, 'cheese': 1, 'burger': 1, 'tomato': 2}) >>> divmod(sandwich, salad) # Divmod by bag (0, Bag({'tomato': 2, 'cheese': 1, 'bread': 2, 'burger': 1})) >>> salad % 2 # Modulo by integer Bag({'bell pepper': 1}) >>> divmod(salad, 2) # Divmod by integer (Bag({'tomato': 1}), Bag({'bell pepper': 1})) >>> salad ** 3 # Exponentiation Bag({'tomato': 8, 'bell pepper': 1}) >>> pow(salad, 3, 5) # Exponentiation with modulo Bag({'tomato': 3, 'bell pepper': 1}) And... Did someone say logical operations? Like in Python sets, these do `union`_ and `intersection`_: >>> sandwich | salad # Logical or, a.k.a. set union Bag({'bread': 2, 'cheese': 1, 'burger': 1, 'tomato': 2, 'bell pepper': 1}) >>> sandwich & salad # Logical and, a.k.a. set intersection Bag({'tomato': 2}) As a final note about arithmetic operations, augmented assignment is supported for all operations, so you can elegantly mutate bags in-place like this: >>> sandwich += Bag({'bacon': 2, 'egg': 1,}) >>> sandwich Bag({'cheese': 1, 'bacon': 2, 'bread': 2, 'egg': 1, 'burger': 1, 'tomato': 2}) >>> sandwich **= 2 >>> sandwich Bag({'cheese': 1, 'bacon': 4, 'bread': 4, 'egg': 1, 'burger': 1, 'tomato': 4}) .. _multiset: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiset .. _partial order: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partially_ordered_set .. _union: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_(set_theory) .. _intersection: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersection_(set_theory) .. _"This sort of thing is my bag, baby!": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WCvULMRUq8